Step-into-the-Future Civic Imagination Challenge

An Invitation

We invite the generation at the cusp of leadership for the next critical decades of change, to participate in the Civic Imagination Challenge.
Its monthly conferences feature leaders at the forefront of change who invite you into our emerging future.

Conferences follow the 3 part orientation event aligned with the COP 27 Global Climate Meeting. They are::

  • Food Systems, Farming, Food Choices
  • Public Health, Health Systems, & Wellness
  • Renewable Energy
  • Regenerative Architecture, Retrofit & Passive Housing
  • Electric Transportation
  • Technology, Ethics, & The Digital Infrastructure
  • New Economy Models
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Inclusive Workplace & Education for the Future
  • Community Resilience & Economies
  • A New Social Compact

Participants are asked to craft narratives that can engage the imagination of citizens in where we can be by the end of the decade with cooperative action. We provide an App for your phone for these narratives and amplify your voice in our social media channels American Imagination, Creating the Future Today. Three winning Themes are selected each month for the Civic Imagination Prize.

At its close all participants are celebrated and their themes featured in both a digital map of their “new world” and a Commemorative Civic Imagination publication sent to Congressional & State Representatives, Business & Thought Leaders. Cooperating Groups & Participants