The IMAGINE FORWARD CAMPAIGN is a collaborative effort where organizations with diverse missions, but shared values, work together for common purpose. They include civic, nonprofit, advocacy, community development organizations, colleges, universities, professional, academic, and business associations. Central to this collaboration is a shared focus on reimagining our communities so that climate adaptation planning includes health, safety, equity, economic vitality, and relationship at the heart of its civic purpose..

The initiative, organized and coordinated by Trendsetters Network, provides participating groups with services and resources to support their work and engage the public in what can be achieved with cooperative action.

Prisms: As light passes through a prism, it is bent by the angles and planes of the prism when each wavelength is refracted by a slightly different amount. As a result, all the colors in the white light of the sun separate into individual bands of color characteristic of a rainbow. We chose a prism for the Imagine Forward campaign because its colors symbolize both creative expression and diversity, reflecting the partner groups working together to achieve extraordinary goals.

Truth in a Time of Disinformation

A Model of Regeneration

Educating Leaders for Tomorrow

A Climate Accelerator for Purpose