Guidelines for the Facilitator

  • Coordinate with the organizer to make sure the meeting space is comfortable, and you have the resources needed: post-it notes, colored dots, index cards, markers, paper, pens, pencils, magazines and scissors. (don’t forget refreshments)
  • Consider using an ice-breaker
  • Present the topic and lay out any additional criteria. Make it clear that the objective is to generate as many ideas as possible. Give people plenty of quiet time at the start of the session to write down as many of their own ideas as they can. Then, ask them to share their ideas, while giving everyone a fair opportunity to contribute.
  • Once everyone has shared their ideas, explore using them to create new ideas. Building on others’ ideas is one of the most valuable aspects of group brainstorming.
  • Encourage everyone to contribute, including the quietest people, and discourage anyone from criticizing.
  • As the facilitator, share ideas if you have them, but spend most of your time supporting the group and guiding the discussion. Stick to one conversation at a time. Refocus the group if they become sidetracked.
  • Although you’re guiding the discussion, remember to let everyone have fun while brainstorming so take several breaks.
  • When moving from ideation to combination look for ideas that seem to be related; sort them into Affinity Groups. (see Brainstorming Formats)